
Sunday, July 14, 2013

How To Draw A Beta Fish Worksheet

How to draw a beta fish drawing lesson and printable worksheet.

How to draw a Beta Fish is an easy printable drawing lesson that a young or beginning artist can do and be proud of. 


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How To Draw A Beta Fish Worksheet by MrAdron.

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Start with a pencil and draw lightly so you can erase later. Draw the basic body like a teardrop sideways, the head is wider and the tail end is narrow and almost comes to a point.

On the beta, the fins can go any way you want. Start with a long sweeping curved line to make a half-circle for the tail. Draw sweeping curved lines on the top and the bottom of the body for the front and back of the two big fins. The edges of these fins have zig-zag line shapes.

There is a small fin on the side, draw it with a curved line for the outside edge and two curving lines on the top and bottom going forward like a slight triangle but not touching.
The gill is a curved line.
There is a jaw bone below the eye it is a curved line.
The eye is two circles one inside the other. Fill in the inside circle but leave a little white spot somewhere.
The moth looks like a frown.
The nose curves upward slightly

Lightly draw five to seven guidelines from the head to the tail for the scales, this will keep them in even rows. After you have the guideline draw the scales in even rows from the top to the bottom, each scale is a half-circle.

The fins have thin bony ridges. Where the fin meets the body carefully mark off even spaces for the ridges before your draw them this keeps them even. After marking them off then slowly and carefully draw the ribs following the curve of the fins.

(c) Mr. Adron 7/14/13