
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Draw Black Eyed Susan Flowers, Free Worksheet

I am glad to share my how-to-draw black-eyed Susan flowers drawing lesson and printable worksheet with you.

How to Draw Black-Eyed Susan Flowers. The free worksheet and the project notes below may be printed by highlighting them and sending them to your printer or saving them to your device to be printed later. If you have problems, see the how-to print tab for some suggestions.

Parents, teachers, and home school families will be able to use this worksheet to help give the young artist confidence in drawing.

How to Draw Black-Eyed Susans Free Worksheet by MrAdron.


Start with the flowers. In our example, there is one that is facing the viewer and two that are viewed from the side. Begin with basic shapes. Draw lightly so you can erase later. The flower facing the viewer is a circle, but the ones that are viewed from the side are a half-circle. The center of the one facing the viewer is another circle, but the center of the ones that are viewed from the side is more oval.

There are about 13 petals on the Black-Eyed Susan. Draw each one as two lines going from the center to meet at the outside of the circle on the one facing the viewer or the bottom of the oval for the ones viewed on the side.

The stems start together at the ground and are two lines that are slightly wider apart at the bottom and gradually come closer together at the top. The leaves are bigger at the bottom and thinner at the top. They weave in and out behind and in front of the stems. The leaves are spear-shaped.

Add shadows to give depth and shading to give roundness. The center has bumps that are dark. Give texture to the soil.
(c) Adron 7/15/14