
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Free How to Draw Flowers by the Rural Fence Worksheet

Below is a Free How to Draw Flowers by the Rural Fence Worksheet. 

This picture was inspired by something I saw when walking my dog. There was a fence beside the path we were on and some flowers were growing through the cross pieces of the fence. I took a picture of it with my cellphone and later did some art inspired by the scene. It is a simple and easy project but can be very nice when it is finished.  


I spent all night and half of the next day creating this one.  I hope you have fun with it. 

If you have problems printing the image below then click on the HOW TO PRINT tab for some tips or try the updated file below.

Free Printable How to Draw Worksheet, Flowers at a Rural Fence

I create these how-to worksheets because I believe in giving back and that when you have been blessed you should seek to be a blessing to others. These worksheets take hours or even days to create and I hope they are a blessing to you.

Thank You!

Below is a PDF file that may work better for some printer devices. 

CLICK HERE for a PDF of the image above. 


During the beginning stages draw lightly so you can make erasures and corrections later on. 

The fence starts out as a series of long rectangles. Two are verticle and four are horizontal, they do not need to be perfect. 

Do not draw the fence perfect, give it some crooked and bent parts like something that has been outside for a long time might look. 

Use circles and half-circles to place where the flowers will be in the picture. Some of the flowers are facing out to you and some are facing up, the ones facing up look like half circles. Draw small circles for the center. Put some flowers in front of others.
Draw the petals from the center to the outer circle. Use two lines, one for each side. Use a guideline to keep the petals going straight. then erase the extra lines.  

The leaves in the shrubbery below the flowers are like the letter "V" but rounded. 

Use short choppy lines to give the wood a rough texture.

Use the shading technique to give the picture depth. The far trees are a light gray, the distant shrubbery are a darker gray. The darkest areas should be the closest like the side of the post and the underside of the cross pieces. Shade around the leaves and the flowers but leave the flowers and leaves white so they stand out. 

Sign and date your work about an inch from the bottom so there is room for a mat and frame.

I hope this picture turns out beautifully for you. 

Adron © 10/29/20

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