
Saturday, November 5, 2011

How to Draw the Arch Stone Bridge

This is a free printable worksheet for  How to Draw The Stone Arch Bridge.

This worksheet will help give some ideas about how to draw a stone bridge picture.

About printing

If you have trouble making the image print on your printer, visit the HOW TO PRINT page 
for suggestions.  You may also try the updated PDF file below that may print better. 

How to draw a stone bridge in the woods

My how-to-draw worksheets are free, and you may print as many as you like.  Use the Paypal button to make a donation.  

Thank you.

Here is a link to a file that has been modified to print better.

Some printers work better if you use a PDF format. To print this in PDF, CLICK HERE.


This project is a little more complicated since it has a structure in a forest.  The arched stone bridge makes a great contrast to the woods, both in shape and texture.

Always start with the horizon, but here we are under the trees, so there is no normal horizon, but I added the light at the edge of the woods and the bushes. You would not put the focus or point of interest in the center, but this time, it works. Draw the bridge as two arches, then draw the "S" curve of the creek with two big "S"s. Sketch the rocks and the tree trunks for the front trees lightly.

Develop the foreground by adding the texture of leaves on the ground. Create shadows and roughness on the rocks with jagged strokes with your pencil. Shade and texture the tree trunks and add leaves.

The bridge is foreground so add stones and shading. Make the stones different shapes. Draw them lightly with a 2b pencil and after they look good, go over them with a darker pencil like a 4 or 6.

Keep the background light by only using a 2b or HB pencil. Don't put in a lot of details in the background. Just suggest trees and bushes with a few outlines.

Build up the foreground with 4b pencils and more details and more leaves. Put a shadow under the bridge and leave the rest of the creek alone, so it is white.

Take your time. A drawing like this can take hours, but it will be beautiful when you are done.

I offer these how-to-draw worksheets for free, but your support will help me keep it going on.  Thank you.

© Adron D. 11/5/11 

I hope your drawing is a masterpiece.