
Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Draw a Tugboat

This is a free printable drawing worksheet art lesson for how to draw a tugboat.

Here is an easy and rewarding project for artists of any age.  It not only uses basic shapes to create the boat but also has a few ideas for details.

Tugboats are cool. They come in all sizes and shapes, so you can make yours just the way you want to. Take your time, and when you are done, people will say," "Wow! What a cool tugboat!"

If you have any problems making the image below print, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions.

How to draw a tugboat worksheet.

Sometimes it takes me hours, but I create these how to draw worksheets, but I do it so that I can give back because I believe when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you.

Here is a link that might print better on some printers.

CLICK HERE for a file in photo format.

Start with lightly drawing the basic outline shape.

Use the basic shapes of a rectangle and triangle.

Stack smaller rectangles for the upper decks. The boat's shape is a little lower at the back than at the front, so angle the rectangle that makes the main body of the tugboat down toward the back. A rectangle makes the smokestack.

Circles make the tires that hang on the sides. They can be any size and don't worry if they are not perfectly round since on a real tugboat they get all beaten up.
Add whatever details you like, such as windows, air funnel, lifeboat, life ring, barrels, boxes, ropes, ladder, windows, and radio antennas.

Go over your pencil sketch with colored pencils or a marker. Color the tires and smokestack black; keep the sides pale. Add rust dripping down here and there. The smoke is darker on the bottom. Don't overdraw the city in the background. You can put a lot of color in the sky and water to make up for the white boat.

I did my worksheet with a fine tip marker and a few broad-tipped markers with different values of gray for the illustration. So you can see it can be drawn nicely with markers.

Here is one way to do the tugboat picture. It is painted in watercolor. I did it in about 40 minutes. If I took my time, it would have been better. (Just like I always say, take your time, and people will be amazed, but if you hurry, it will be disappointing).

Watercolor illustration for How to Draw a Tugboat.

To see more how-to-draw worksheets use the search box above.

(c) Adron D.11/28/11