
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Printable How To Draw A Gypsy Wagon Worksheet

How-to-draw a Gypsy Wagon drawing lesson and worksheet.

This free printable how-to-draw worksheet is for the traditional gypsy bow-top wagon that they used for centuries to travel and live.  The top is cloth on a wooden frame to make it lighter than an all-wood construction, and that makes a big difference to a tired horse pulling it.


Parents and teachers will be able to use this in class and at home; it could be part of a social studies lesson or history. It can be an extra credit classroom assignment or a take-home project.

To print the worksheet below just highlight it and send it to your printer. Some printers work better if you drag this image to your desktop and print from there. If you have problems CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions.

How to Draw A Gypsy Wagon Worksheet.

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed it is so that we can become a blessing to others. You are welcome to print as many as you like.

Thank you!

CLICK HERE to go to a PDF file that may work better with newer printers.


Begin by drawing lightly so you can erase later. Draw the basic shape of the wagon as two rectangles since it is viewed at an angle, but these are not true rectangles since they taper slightly on the outside to allow for perspective. The top is begun as two circles connected by a line at the top. Some will be erased later.

Draw a guideline for the ground so the wheels and steps all lineup.

Add two circles for the wheels. One is bigger than the other since the smaller on is on a turning axle and is lower to the ground. The wheels are below the wagon and not beside. Draw the wheels as two circles so there is an inside edge and an outside edge.

The door has a curved top. Use a long horizontal guideline for the bottom of the shutters and the top of the bottom of the dutch door.

The steps are curved.

Add a hub cone at the center of each wheel. There are six to eight spokes.
Draw the shutters on the door as half arches pointing away from each other.
The door bottom is divided into sections, draw them as squares.
The side of the wagon has wood squares.
Use two lines to draw each step.
The back has wood slats going up and down draw them as vertical parallel lines.
There is a stovepipe that looks like the letter "T" coming out of the top.
Under the wagon are wooden axles and scissor springs, draw the axles like long rectangles and the scissor springs like the letter "V" sideways 

Put drapes in the window. Draw a person standing inside looking out. Have some camp stuff sitting around like a campfire, buckets, pots, and pans.
Draw a background like a row of bushes and a row of trees. Have some tree branches and leaves hanging over the wagon.

(c) Adron D. 9/29/15

Thank You!