
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Printable How To Draw A Koi Fish Worksheet

This is a free printable how-to-draw a koi fish worksheet.

Here is a lesson that will help the beginner artist draw a Koi-fish.

The koi fish is iconic and very beautiful because of the long flowing lines.  If you color it yellow or gold and the surrounding water blue, it will be a wonderful picture.



If you can't make it print properly, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions.

Be sure to see the project notes below the image. 

Printable How To Draw a Koi Fish Worksheet

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed, it is so that we can become a blessing to others. I hope you enjoy these projects and they help you. 

Won't you consider making a small contribution to support my art?

Thank you!

To print in a universal portable format, CLICK HERE. This is a PDF.


Start with the line of the back. It is shaped like a long"S."  Draw a circle to get the size of the head. Remember to draw lightly so you can erase later.

Draw a curving line for the chest going from the chin to halfway down the first line.  Add a line for the Left side of the bottom half of the body.  The top ridge fin is like a long twisted line, this line follows the "S" line and crosses over it.

The tail is a half-circle between the line of the back and the lower body.
The tip of the nose curves up.
The eye is center and a little forward.
The back of the head curves inward.
The fins are three lines curving that form a triangle
There are two whiskers between the eye and the nose.

The scales go in rows draw guidelines first and use the guidelines to keep the scales even.  The scales are smaller as they go nearer the tail, and are smaller as they near the tail.
There are lines in the fins.

(c) Adron d. 11/11/15