
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Printable How To Draw Praying Hands. Worksheet and Lesson

This is a free how-to-draw the praying hands worksheet and lesson. 

Here is a drawing worksheet that makes drawing a classic had pose easily. It is a simple project and ideal for young artists or extra drawing practice. It is one I have drawn a few times for different illustrations.


If you have problems printing, CLICK HERE to visit the how to print page for suggestions or try one of the updated files below.

How to Draw Praying Hands Printable Worksheet

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed, it is so that we can become a blessing to others. I hope you enjoy these projects and they help you.

Thank you!

The file below may work better if you have problems printing the image above.

CLICK HERE for a file in a portable (PDF) universal format.


Start by drawing lightly so you can erase later.

Start with an outline of the hand like you are drawing a mitten.

Use a curved guideline for the knuckles and two for the joints in the fingers (the thumb has only one joint).

Use three lines to divide the fingers.

The thumb is like a crooked rectangle.

Round off the tips of the fingers. Use a half circle for the thumb since it is seen from its side.

The joints of the fingers are a little wider, so curve the lines of the fingers, do the same for the joint on the thumb.

The side of the hand below the small finger is slightly rounded.

The fingernails are like the letter "U," but it is just a curved line on the thumb.

There are several wrinkles on the finger joints and knuckles; they are not straight.

The hand on the far side is a line that copies the lower line of the near side hand.

The wrists are narrower where they connect to the hand but slightly wider where they meet the sleeve.

The sleeve is like an oval, not a straight line.

Use shading technique to give the hands roundness.

I hope you create a masterpiece!

(c) Adron. D, 8/28/16