Sunday, November 4, 2012

How To Draw A Pilgrim Man's Face. Worksheet

This free printable drawing worksheet is an easy and basic how-to sketch a face lesson.

 This lesson and worksheet can be adapted to many historical persons.

The Pilgrim is often illustrated with the broad-brimmed hat that has a buckle on it and the black clothes with the white collar. In fact, black clothes were very expensive, so they were worn only on the most special occasions and by the wealthy. The daily clothes were the common homespun and hand-dyed in a number of colors.

Printable how to draw a pilgrim man drawing worksheet

Thank you!

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The worksheet below may be printed by highlighting it and sending it to your printer or saving it to your device and printing it later. Some people have better luck by dragging the image to the desktop and printing from there. If you have problems,  CLICK HERE to visit the how-to-print page for some suggestions.

Sometimes, it takes me hours, but I create these how-to-draw worksheets. I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like.


Start with an oval head shape. Use a guide-line up and down in the center to keep things even. Draw lightly at first so you can erase later.

Outline the hat making sure the brim is almost as low as the eyebrows. Just outline it now and finish the hat and clothing last.

Draw the face with straight lines wherever you can, this will give him the rugged manly look.

The eyes are halfway down from the top. Mark off the shiny spots early so they don't get drawn over and lost. The eyebrows are bushy and wider than the eyes. The edge of the hat almost touches the eyebrows.

The tip of the nose is halfway from the eyes to the chin. Keep this nose simple. Only shadow one side, and underneath. The nose dips down and is a little wider than normal. There should be a slight shadow at the top of the nose under the eyebrow.

The mouth is halfway from the nose to the chin. The upper lip is just a shadow shape. The lower lip looks like a very spread-out letter "W" and is shadowed heavy.

The ears are almost even with the nose and the tops are hidden by the long hair.

The neck is almost as wide as the head, and the shoulders taper down slightly.

Don't get too frustrated over the collar and the clothes, there were different clothes in historical paintings showing a variety of collars, coats, capes, and shirts.

(C) Adron D. 11/4/12