Monday, February 11, 2013

How To Draw A Valentine Worksheet.

How to draw a valentine heart drawing lesson and printable worksheet.

This how-to draw a valentine heart worksheet is easy and fun to do. It attempts to take the mystery out of drawing a perfect heart.

This free how-to_draw a Valentine worksheet may be downloaded to your device and printed easily. To print, click on the image and select save, open a word doc, and then past. If the image is not centered adjust the margins on the layout tap in your Word toolbar. Then print. If you have trouble making the worksheet below print or are printing on A-4 sized paper then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions

How To Draw A Valentine Worksheet.

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To see more how to draw worksheets like this search the sidebar.


Start by lightly drawing an outline, you will want to erase some later.
Use a guideline straight up and down to center things so they stay even.
At the top of the guideline draw two circles that overlap slightly.
Below the circles draw a large letter "V." It goes from the circles, and the point meets the guideline.

Start the ribbon by drawing two bent lines parallel to each other, they could be right across the heart or lower.
Use a line to connect the top and the bottom at the ends.
Add two double curving lines at the bottom starting at the outside edge, going back in, then down and then out, like an "S" on one side and a backward "S" on the other.
Add a short horizontal parallel line halfway down the outside edge of the ribbon.
Use lines up and down to connect the top parts to the bottom curved parts.

Put the "M" on the ribbon on the guideline to keep the lettering even. Next put the "B" on the left and the "e" on the right. Last fill in the rest of the letters to spell out "Be Mine."

Erase the guideline and any extra marks then go over the drawing with a dark pencil or marker.

Color it as you want and give it to someone.

I hope you create a masterpiece!

(C) Mr. Adron 2/11/13

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