Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Draw a Panda Bear, Lesson And Worksheet

This is a printable how to draw worksheet for how to draw a panda bear.  

Parents, teachers, and homeschool families may print copies for personal and classroom use.

Remember to set your printer for greyscale to benefit from the shading.

How To Draw A Panda Worksheet

Thank you!

Remember to set your printer for greyscale.

If the image above does not work for you then the PDF will be better. 

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

If you have problems printing CLICK HERE to visit the how to print page for suggestions or try one of the updated links below that should print better.

Sometimes, it takes me hours, but I create these how-to-draw worksheets. I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like.


Start with a circle for the head and an oval for the body, and then use a stick figure technique to place the arms and the feet in position. After the posing looks right use ovals to give the arms and legs thickness.

Use two guidelines, one going up and down the center and one across the center to help keep things even. The muzzle is like a smaller circle on the lower part of the face it should be centered on the guideline. The eyes are a little below the guideline going across. The nose is like a diamond sideways with two dark dashes for the nostrils. The ears are on the top of the head and are slightly like a half-circle. The eyes are black and have a little white rim around them. The top of the head has a slight peak or point to it.

The paws are covered with fur and you do not need to do more than the basic shape. The feet have five claws, below each claw is a round pad.

Start shading with gray not black. After you have all the areas done in grey then use black for the shadows and the darker areas.

(c) Adron D, 12/6/13