Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How To Draw The Head Of A Chinese Dragon, Free Worksheet.

This is a worksheet on how to draw the head of a Chinese dragon and an art lesson.

This simple drawing project will give the young artist confidence in drawing. Parents and teachers will find many ways to use it in class and at home.

Sometimes, it takes me hours to create these how-to-draw worksheets, but I do it so that I can give back. I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like.

I drew this up as a handout to give to some students I was giving art lessons to.

How To Draw A Chinese Dragon Head, Free Worksheet.

Thank you!
To print the worksheet above just highlight it and send it to your printer or save it to a Word doc and print from there, you can save to your device to print later. 

If you have problems printing CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions.


The Chinese dragon has the eyes of an Ogre, the nose, and mane of a lion, the mouth of a donkey, the ear of a cow, and the antlers of a deer. Otherwise, there are no rules for drawing an excellent good Chinese dragon. The style is to fill in all empty spaces with scales, feathers, flames, and patterns.

Start by drawing lightly with a pencil that you can erase later. The head is shaped like a circle with rectangles for the snout and jaw. Use circles for the nose and eyes. There is an ear, draw it as a large triangle pointing backward. There are antlers, they are wavy lines from the top behind the eye going up and touching at points.

Make the lines flow so there are no straight lines. Use wavy lines to make the flame-like shapes for the mane, eyelashes, beard around the mouth, and anything else you want. Use triangles for teeth and fangs.

Erase extra lines and go over the good parts with a marker or darker pencil, or you may trace it onto a clean sheet of paper. Fill in the empty spaces with patterns.

To see more how to draw worksheets like this click on the label for dragons in the sidebar.

I hope you draw a masterpiece

(c) Adron Dozat 3/18/14