Friday, December 4, 2020

How to Draw A Picture of a Christmas Wreath, Printable Worksheet and Lesson

Below is a printable worksheet for how to draw a Christmas wreath.

I felt that this is an exciting project for the holiday season or it can be a part of any memorial illustration.


The wreath at Christmas is a reminder of the crown of thorns that Christ wore when he was crucified for mankind's sins. It has since become a memorial symbol for many events and locations. It causes us to stop and think about the sacrifice and suffering of others. Wreaths are often found carved into memorials in cemeteries and monuments throughout the world. 

Drawing a dramatic wreath is a lot of fun and makes a great Christmas card or poster for the holidays.

Free How to Draw a Picture of a Christmas Wreath Worksheet

Thank You!

Below is a link to a file in PDF format that may print better for some people.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format. 

If you have trouble making the worksheet below print or are printing on A-4-sized paper, then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions. There is a second file below in PDF format that may print better for some people. 

Sometimes it takes me hours, but I create these how-to-draw worksheets but I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you.


Start by drawing lightly so that you can erase what you need to later. 

If you are not an expert in drawing a circle try going around three or four times to get the shape truly round, but do not worry if it is not perfect because it is a wreath and they are not perfect circles.  Draw two circles so it looks like a fat donut. You can use the lids of a couple of jars and trace them for the circle. You are not cheeting if you use a jar lid to make the circle, every professional artist uses tools and the jar lid is as good as any.

Use basic shapes for the ribbon. Draw a square for the middle and two triangles on each side with the points going into the square. Draw rectangles for the bottom laces of the ribbon.  You are just working out the design now you will come back to the ribbon later.

Draw three or four circles to show where you will place the berry clusters and their leaves. 

Use lines to give you ideas on where to put the leaves. Keep them going in the same direction in most cases clockwise. Have a few lines going outward or sideways for interest and to make it look real. 
Draw circles for the berries and draw the leaves that go around the berries. Plan to make these leaves different maybe fatter and they point outward from the berries. 

After you have worked out the design, go around the lines that were to show where the leaves would be. Do the leaves in two lines so they come to a point. If you try to use one stroke the leaf won't be even and look like you were not careful. THIS WILL TAKE A LONG TIME SO PLAN FOR IT AND DON'T RUSH. 

Avoid lines that lead into another line, it is hard on the eye. Start one leaf on the sides of another but never on the tip.  

Draw around the shapes of the ribbon to give them softer edges and graceful bendy lines.

Erase the extra lines.

Use the shading technique to give it a three-dimension effect. The darkest areas are at the base of each leaf and the lightest area is at the tip of each leaf.  

Sign and date your work but leave room for a frame. 

I hope you draw a masterpiece! 

© Adron 12/4/20