How to draw a windmill, drawing lesson and printable worksheet.
This free how to draw a windmill worksheet may be downloaded to your device and printed easily.How to draw a windmill is a fun project that can add interest to any scene or stand by itself.
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The basic shape is a cone with sloping sides. It has a rounded dome top and a rectangle base. Use a guideline down the center to keep the slope even on both sides.
Draw a circle in the center of the dome top for the hub of the vanes. From the hub, circle draw a large "X" for the vanes. The vanes are thin rectangles made up of smaller evenly spaced rectangles. Place 15 or 20 evenly spaced marks on each vane to help keep the ribs even. Once all are marked then carefully draw the ribs across the vanes. You have options since some windmills have pieces going back and forth for support some have a cloth covering the vanes.
There is a support structure at the back going across the back and down. It is drawn as simple lines.
Add a window or two. The windows have little roofs over them and little shelves below.
Add a walk-around deck with a railing before you do the wood siding or the stone base. The railing is a line going across with shorter lines going down.
The base is stone. Draw the stones randomly without trying to draw every single stone but give an impression. There is a door in the base; it is a double rectangle frame with two rectangles inside.
The wood siding is drawn as a texture, use short horizontal lines, keep them random so it will not be boring or predictable.
Add trees in the background and clouds in the sky.
I hope you draw a wonderful picture!
Draw a circle in the center of the dome top for the hub of the vanes. From the hub, circle draw a large "X" for the vanes. The vanes are thin rectangles made up of smaller evenly spaced rectangles. Place 15 or 20 evenly spaced marks on each vane to help keep the ribs even. Once all are marked then carefully draw the ribs across the vanes. You have options since some windmills have pieces going back and forth for support some have a cloth covering the vanes.
There is a support structure at the back going across the back and down. It is drawn as simple lines.
Add a window or two. The windows have little roofs over them and little shelves below.
Add a walk-around deck with a railing before you do the wood siding or the stone base. The railing is a line going across with shorter lines going down.
The base is stone. Draw the stones randomly without trying to draw every single stone but give an impression. There is a door in the base; it is a double rectangle frame with two rectangles inside.
The wood siding is drawn as a texture, use short horizontal lines, keep them random so it will not be boring or predictable.
Add trees in the background and clouds in the sky.
I hope you draw a wonderful picture!
(c) Mr. Adron 3/18/13