Thursday, February 6, 2014

How To Draw A Pelican on a pier Worksheet.

How to draw a pelican on a pier drawing lesson and worksheet.

This how-to-draw a pelican worksheet is an easy and fun drawing project that any young artist can do easily. It breaks down the figure into some basic shapes and then adds details until you have a beautiful pelican.  


How to Draw a Pelican Worksheet

Thank You!

Here is a link to an updated and easier-to-read file. It is a PDF and will be easier to download and print.  

CLICK HERE for the PDF file.


If you have trouble making the worksheet below print or are printing on A-4-sized paper, then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions. 

Sometimes it takes me hours, but I create these how to draw worksheets, I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you.


Start sketching lightly so you can erase later. The basic shape is an oval for the body. Above the oval draw two lines for the neck, and on top of that, draw a circle for the head. The beak is a long triangle that is as long as the neck.

The back has a slight hump at the shoulder. Make the body a little wider at the lower half.

The eye is halfway down and a third of the way forward. The eye is a black dot inside a circle. The bottom of the bill is bigger; draw a line from the tip to below the eye and make sure the bottom beak is half as thin as the top. The nostril is on the top of the beak by the eye. This pelican has a black face; it looks like a wavy patch that goes around the eye and behind the bill. The bill has a little hook at the tip.

The wing starts slightly below the shoulder and curves down to the tail. There are lots of feathers going downward on the wing. Draw the feathers as many lines but not too many; make sure they have a little space between them. There is a dark edge at the bottom of each feather.

The feet are a triangle with a line going down the middle for the middle toe. The legs have a backward bend like a person's ankle.

The pear is a cylinder; it has an oval top and straight lines going down on the sides. The bottom has a curve that matches the top curve.

The water is a lot of back and forth lines like the letter Z but flatter. The water is darker in the lower area and lighter by the horizon. Make sure the horizon is level and not tilted.

I hope you draw a masterpiece!

(c) Adron 2/6/14

Thank You!