Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Draw A Female Lioness Face Worksheet

How to draw a female lioness face lesson and printable worksheet. 

This is a popular subject, and the worksheet makes it easy for any young artist to draw it.



This is a little more challenging than the ones I have been making, but it will be helpful for any young or beginning artist. This worksheet gives a few drawing tips to help the student draw a lioness. Learning to draw is more about practice than instruction, so I hope this will inspire the beginner artist to explore subject and style in his art. Parents and teachers may find this is a good takeaway assignment or class activity. If drawing the lioness does not give good results, do not give up. I have many projects for the student to try.


If you have trouble printing the image below or are printing on A-4 sized paper, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page. I have some helpful tips for you there. There is a link below that may print better if you have problems.

How To Draw a Female Lioness Face Worksheet.

Thank You!

For a printable PDF of the worksheet aboveCLICK HERE. 

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed, it is so that we can become a blessing to others. I hope you enjoy these projects and they help you.


Look for basic shapes to arrange into an outline. Use guidelines to help keep things even.

DETAILS (Forward view)
The ears are roundish and are positioned at the top of the head.
The eyes are 1/3rd down from the top of the head.
The nose is at the bottom 1/3rd point.
The nose is shaped like a triangle with the three sides curved in slightly.
The upper lip is shaped like two half circles.

The eyes are closer to halfway between the top of the head and the nose.
The mouth is a circle for the lower jaw and a curving line for the upper lip.
There are three rows of freckles.
The chin has a short beard.

The fur has a direction, most of it points outward away from the nose.
The fur is mostly tan but some parts are white like the chin, upper lip and under the eye; just leave the white parts alone.
The fur takes a lot of time, so don't rush it. Start light and slowly build up the darker areas.

To see more how to draw worksheets like this click on the label of animals in the sidebar.

I hope you draw a masterpiece!

Blessings and thank you
(C) Adron 1/29/14

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How To Draw An Ornithomimus Dinosaur Worksheet

How to draw an Ornithomimus dinosaur lesson and printable worksheet.

How To Draw An Ornithomimus Dinosaur Worksheet is an easy project and gives a lot of satisfaction to the young artist who is interested in drawing dinosaurs.

Teachers and parents may use this worksheet as a class project or as an extra activity that can be taken home. If the student does not have good success with this sketch then do not get discouraged, I have many projects they may do and it may be that their art style is more in tune with sketching another subject.


The free worksheet may be printed by highlighting it and sending it to your printer or saving it to your device to print later. If you have problems printing this or are printing on A-4 sized paper  CLICK HERE to visit the how to print page for some suggestions.

How to Draw an Ornithomimus Dinosaur Worksheet

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed it is so that we can become a blessing to others. I hope you enjoy these projects and they help you.

Thank You!


Lightly sketch at first. The body looks like a teardrop turned sideways with the tail pointing slightly down. Use a stick figure technique to rough draft in the arms and legs. The arms have elbows and wrist like people. The legs have two joints the knee and the ankle, below the ankle, is a long bone like the bones in the top of a person's foot and the toes are like the foot. The head is small, it is a circle with a triangle for the beak. The tail and neck are each almost as long as the body.

After you have the pose the way you want with the stick figure method then draw around the lines of the stick figure to fill out the arms and legs. The arms are skinny. The legs are thick at the hip and get thinner as they go down, add bumps for the knee and shin.

There are three thick toes on the feet. There are three claws on the hand. The head looks like a bird. The eye is big the mouth is like a beak. (If you have a hard time with the feet just draw grass over them).

Use shadow to give it thickness. The far arm and leg will be in more shadow than the near arm and leg.

To see more how-to-draw worksheets like this click on the label for dinosaurs in the sidebar.

I hope you create a masterpiece!

© Adron 1/26/14

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How To Draw A Simple Dog Face In Profile

How to draw a dog face in profile drawing lesson and printable worksheet. 

This How To Draw A Simple Dog Face e project will help the young artist gain confidence as they draw an easy portrait of a dog in profile. There are many courses and classes that teach how to draw, but the student often learns more by just getting busy and drawing a lot of things. This worksheet will help practice some techniques, but the student should explore their style and try different techniques.

Teachers and parents may offer this as a class project or the art student could take it as an extra assignment. For example, practicing a musical instrument and drawing have to be practiced, too.

If you have problems printing the image, see the HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions.

How to Draw A Dog's Face in Profile Free Worksheet by MrAdron.

Use the Paypal button below to make your one-time gift of support.


Thank You!

To print the free worksheet above just highlight it and send it to your printer or save to your device to print later. If you have problems printing this then see the how to print tab above for suggestions.


This project was modeled on the Golden Retriever but it can serve for any of the larger dog breeds.

Begin your sketch by drawing lightly so you can correct it later on.
Start with a circle for the forehead, brow, and back of the head. The muzzle starts as a rectangle and two lines form the neck and shoulder. The line under the jaw is curved forward out and then back for the fold of the jowls. The muzzle is divided into unequal halves by a long thin triangle that will form the smile of the Dog.

The nose is a rounded triangle on the top of the muzzle. The eye looks like a triangle with a large circle inside, but the bottom of the lower eyelid curves down. The ear is two lines that start at the back of the head and tilt forward like a large letter "U". The mouth is curved slightly like a smile. There are four teeth shaped like triangles and a gap between them and the long tooth at the front.

The eye is almost all black, the blackest area is around the edges. There is a shiny spot in it. The mouth has a black edge all around it. The nose has a dark line going up for the nostril. The tongue is two curving lines that go out and down then back up and in.

Take your time with the fur. The fur on the face is short so draw short thin lines that do down and back. The fur on the ear is long and flowing use long slightly thicker lines. The fur on the neck and shoulder are long and flowing use long darker curvy lines.

(c) Adron 1/23/14

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How To Draw A Portrait Of St Patrick Of Ireland Worksheet

How to draw a picture of St. Patrick of Ireland drawing lesson and printable worksheet.

 This is a fun project and can be adapted to any number of historical people. This how-to draw a portrait worksheet will be helpful for young artists and beginners. It can be used as a class project or for fun at home. Art students, Parents, and teachers may copy the worksheet below and the project notes for personal use. Just highlight, copy, and save to your device.

To print the free worksheet above just highlight it and send it to your printer or save to your device to print later. If you have problems printing this see the how to print tab above for suggestions., or try one of the updated links below.

How To Draw A Portrait of St. Patrick Worksheet.

Sometimes it takes me hours but I create these how to draw worksheets but I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you.

Thank you!

CLICK HERE for a PDF format.


Our version of St Patrick has a short bishop's hat and a beard. The temptation is to draw them too soon and not have a well-developed face as a result, so save the beard and hat until the face is satisfactory.

Start drawing light so you can erase later. Draw the basic shape of the face as an egg or oval. Draw three guidelines across the face. The first will divide the face in half from the top to the bottom, here is where we will position the eyes. Draw another guideline halfway frrm the first to the bottom for the nose and draw one more from that to the bottom for the mouth. Use a guideline down the center to help keep things even.

EYES. The eyes touch the bottom of the first guideline, they are evenly spaced apart and have as much space between them as they are wide. The iris are circles, draw them completely then draw a curving line over the top of them for the upper lid. There are a lot of wrinkles around the eyes since he is old.
NOSE. The bottom of the nose dips down so start it as a "U" shape. On both sides draw parenthesis ( ). Use shadow technique to shade under the nose and on the side of the face away from the light. The ridge of the nose is narrow but do not draw it- use shadow technique on the side away from the light to indicate this.
MOUTH.   The upper lip is covered by the mustache so only the bottom lip showing. The bottom lip is like two ovals sideways that partly overlap in the middle. The bottom is in shadow so use shading technique.
EARS. The ears are partly hidden by the long hair only the bottom lobs show they are just a pair of curving lines
WRINKLES. There are deep wrinkles around the mouth, and light wrinkles under the eyes, beside the eyes, between the eyes, and across the forehead.

The beard is a series of wavy lines going down to an pair of uneven points. The hair is wavy and starts on the forehead above the eyebrows and go out to beside the ears and curls under below the ears. Draw the hair with wavy lines.

The light comes from one side and makes shadows on the other this give it depth.

The bishops hat is shaped like a diamond. It is divided in third with a cross in the middle. Color it green. He has a robe and a cloak they are green with white.

St. Patrick, Illustration For How to Draw Lesson.

(c) Adron D. 1/19/14


I do not charge you to print my worksheets so you can print as many as you need. I spend many hours and in some cases days creating these for you. I only ask that if you are able that you make a small contribution to support my art. Click HERE TO DONATE. 
Thank you for your Gift.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to Draw The Rustic Garden Gate With A Stone Arch

How to draw a rustic garden gate with arch drawing lesson and printable worksheet.

This how-to draw a rustic garden gate project can be a colorful and satisfying picture. It can be used by parents, teachers and art students in class or at home.



If you have trouble making the worksheet below print or are printing on A-4 sized paper then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions. 

How to Draw A Rustic Garden Gate Worksheet.

Sometimes I spend hours creating these how-to-draw worksheets, but I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like. Use the Paypal button to make your donation. 

Thank you!

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a printable file in PDF format


The rustic garden gate is a stone arch. Draw the arch as a double set of lines so you have the inside and the outside in place. Sketch in the stone wall as parallel lines one for the top of the wall and one for the base. The path is wider at the bottom of the picture and more narrow where it meets the wall.

Plan where to draw the flowers by drawing circles where they will look best. The flowers should go over the arch and may go all the way down one side but not both.  Once you have the flowers placed fill in the areas between the flowers with leaves.

The stones in the wall are different sizes and shapes, draw them lightly until you get a good design with a lot of interest. The stones in the arch are all the same size and are in two rows. Some of the stones will be hidden by the flowers.

Draw a flower pot on one or both sides of the gate.

The path is large squares but they are not even or the same size.

The iron gate is easy it is just drawn in lines. Draw an arch on the top and a square on the bottom. Put a guideline up and own the center and divide the gate into squares. Fill in the squared with twisted decorations. They do not need to be perfect since gates wear out and get all banged up.

A few wiggly lines make a background but keep the background simple.

If you draw grass then keep it random and clumpy so it looks real.

Illustration For How To Draw A Rustic Garden Gate

To see more how to draw worksheets like this click on the label for Garden in the sidebar.

(c) Adron Dozat 1/15/14

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How To Draw A Fluffy Furry Puppy Worksheet

How to draw a fluffy fury puppy, drawing lesson, and printable worksheet.

This printable worksheet is a fun project that will give the young artist a sense of accomplishment. Parents and teachers may find this is helpful as a classroom assignment or a take-home project.



If you have trouble making the worksheet below print or are printing on A-4 sized paper, then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions. 

How To Draw A Fuzzy Puppy Worksheet

Sometimes it takes me hours, but I create these how to draw worksheets, but I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you.

Thank You!

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in an universal portable format. This is a PDF file.


The puppy is almost half head so draw the body like a square and the head as a circle that is the same size as the body. The legs start halfway down the body; they divide the body into thirds. The paws are big and are half of the legs.

A collar and dog tag can be drawn in at the beginning, so it does not get lost when drawing the fur later on.

The face is as simple as they come.
     * The eyes are halfway down the face from the top to the chin.
     * The nose is a little below the eyes, and the mouth is below the nose,
     * Do not need to worry much about the mouth since it is covered in fur.
     * The ears are on top of the head directly above the eyes.

The fur is many many short and long lines. The secret is to remember to draw the lines in the right directions. Think of a fan blowing straight at the center of the puppy the fur is pushed away outward from the center. All the fur is going outward.

Go over the outline of the puppy with short lines then go around with a second layer of longer lines giving the fur a matted texture. Add fur all over the body to fill it in. Use lines of fur to give shadow between the legs and areas of dark.

Advanced students may want to blend with a stub before adding the last layer of fur.

I hope you draw a masterpiece!
(c) Adron 1/12/14

Sunday, January 5, 2014

How To Draw A Pirate Treasure Chest Worksheet

How to draw a pirate's treasure chest drawing lesson and printable worksheet.

This fun project will help the young artist gain confidence in his abilities. The free worksheet below may be copied and printed for personal use. Parents and teachers will be able to use this in class and at home. It could be an activity to fill in extra time or given out as a take-home project for the kids to do on their own.

To print the worksheet just highlight it and send it to your printer or save to your device to print later. If you have problems printing this  CLICK HERE to visit the how to print page for some suggestions or try one of the updated links below.

How To Draw A Pirate Treasure Chest, Free Worksheet

Sometimes it takes me hours but I create these how to draw worksheets but I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like.

Thank you!

CLICK HERE for a link in a universal portable format- PDF.

If you like this project you might also like to see "how to draw a pirate ship.


Begin with a light drawing so you can erase later.  The chest a wooden rectangular box, draw this with nine parallel lines. The lid is two sets of parallel lines and two curved lines they could be a half-circle.

The chest is made out of wood planks draw these as more parallel lines but they don't need to be perfectly parallel it will give the picture interest. There are metal bands wrapping the chest so draw these vertically over the planks.

Decide where you want to have things hanging over the side and lightly sketch them in. Add the handle on the side and the padlock on the front and the clasp on the top.

The wood has texture add the texture by drawing light scratchy lines across like the grain. The bands have studs; draw them as circles. Keep the treasure simple and just draw a few things and a lot of circles and ovals to indicate coins. Add a few coins on the ground around it. Shadow one side and use shadow inside the lid.

(c) Adron D. 1/5/14

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How To Draw An Orca Killer Whale Side View Worksheet

How to draw an orca killer whale drawing lesson and printable worksheet. 

How to draw a killer whale is a simple project to help the young artist gain confidence. It is drawn with a few lines that have graceful curves. Parents, teachers, and homeschool families will find many ways to use this at home and in class.

To print the worksheet above, just highlight it and send it to your printer or save it to your device to print later. If you have problems printing, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions. Or try one of the updated links below.

How to Draw an Orca Killer Whale Worksheet.

Sometimes it takes me hours, but I create these how-to-draw worksheets I do it so that I can give back because I believe that when you have been given a gift, it is so you can be a gift to others, and I hope these worksheets are a means of blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you like.

Thank you!

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF.


The basic fish shape is a low wide arch on top that has a long slope at the back and an almost straight line for the bottom. Draw this lightly since it will need slight changes as we go on.

The dorsal fin is almost halfway on the back. The back edge of the fin is at the halfway point and is almost straight up but just slightly tilted forward. The flipper is about 1/4 of the way back from the nose. The nose has a very little bump keep it small or the whale will look like a dolphin. The tail is two narrow triangles they are thin since we are drawing them from the side.

The back curves slightly down and up and back down again at the tail it is only slightly. The bottom has a slight curve from the nose to the fin after the fin the line curves up to the waist and a little down for the tail then back up to connect to the fins.

There are white marks on the chin going back to the fin. There is an oval mark midway on the bottom and a small white mark under the tail. The mark behind the eye is like an oval. Every whale has slightly different marks so don't struggle to get them just right.

Start coloring the whale with gray and after you have an undercoating of gray use black on the body but leave the edges gray so it will look round.

(c) Adron D. 1/2/18